
In addition to our church family activities, we have a number of different clubs and groups running from our Church buildings with whom we work with and support.

  • Arbroath Piano Club

    St Vigeans Centre

    Perform or just enjoy listening to the music. Its purpose is to encourage and support pianists to play for an audience and to increase their confidence.

    The club meets in the church on the second Sunday of each month at a new time of 2.30 p.m. and runs from September to December and February to May each year. New members and visitors are always welcome, either to perform or listen, and there is the opportunity to chat over refreshments after the music.
    If you know of anyone who enjoys playing piano or listening, please get in touch.
    On the second Sunday in June, annually, there is an afternoon concert, as part of the “Music in St. Vigeans” series, when the pianists invite a guest to add variety to the programme.

  • Art class

    Carmyllie Centre

    An Art class tutored by Liz Brown takes place on Thursday afternoons from 1.30-4pm in the church hall.  Classes are in six week blocks. 

  • Heritage Group

    Carmyllie Centre

    Carmyllie Heritage Group meets in the church hall with speakers on various historical topics.

  • Men's Club

    St Vigeans Centre

    St Vigeans Men’s Club welcomes all men over 16 years of age. The club meets every Tuesday from September through to March in the church hall. If you would enjoy games such as darts, carpet bowls and dominoes, all in good company, please come along.

    Transport is available for anyone who requires it. To arrange this, please contact Jim, details below.

    The contact for this activity is Jim Walker.
    Tel: 07707 844495

  • Schools

    In our parish there are seven Primary Schools in Arbroath and a further five in the surrounding villages. These feed in to two local Secondary Schools.

    We have great links with local primary schools and hold regular and annual events with them alongside the traditional chaplaincy roles in both classes and Assemblies.

    We run the Scripture Union Bible Alive programme with primary 6’s across seven primary schools in the area. This is a seven-week programme of 1hr 15mins lessons and is an exciting, interactive programme which leads children through the whole story line of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Bible Alive uses a variety of storytelling methods such as dramas, monologues, props, costumes, poetry and quizzes. It is also reinforced by Rhyme & Sign which is a rhyme which recaps the stories and is supported by British Sign Language signs.

    We hold two large week-long events which schools are invited to which cover the Christmas and Easter stories. Bubblegum ‘n’ Fluff is for P5 pupils and Easter Code is for P6 pupils. Each school is invited to a two-hour slot where the children move around stations listening to different aspects of the stories, taking part in dramas, making a craft, completing a worksheet and learning more about why Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter.

    One of the Primary Schools hosts a monthly community café in one of our centres supported by our volunteers. Watch out for the dates on the calendar for TimmersTeaRoom@theKirk!

  • Mum and Me
    Mum and Me is a long-term nurturing support group for mums within the local area of Arbroath. We  provide a safe, encouraging and non-judgmental space for mums and children to gain new skills, foster their self-worth and create supportive relationships. 

    Mum and Me run multiple groups a week out of the halls at St Andrews Church. Each session begins with a social gathering, a cuppy and time to settle the children into the crèche. Mums are then able to take part in activities that build practical skills, such as knitting and sewing, parenting and cooking. We also run a programme building maternal emotional wellbeing and resilience. Some of activities are structured, but the flow of the group allows for casual discussions about the common ground of parenthood. Mums can find support and advice from workers and peers, or even a friendly ear to listen and an understanding shoulder to cry on when needed.

    Whilst the group work sessions are taking place, the children are being cared for by qualified staff and volunteers who help them to develop their own skills through crafts and play within our crèche facility. Mums and children come together at the end of each session for story and song time as a group.

    Mum and Me has also provided mums with the opportunity to take part in messy play,  baby massage and first aid sessions, as well as outings within our local area.

    Mum and Me is a registered charity which is run by a trustee group of individuals with a passion to provide  support to Mums and their children within the Arbroath area.  

    We currently employ two qualified Family Support Workers and four Creche Support Workers who have many years of experience working within Health, Education and Social Work settings.

    Groups are also supported with the help of volunteers. 

    Contact Tracy or Louise (Family Support Worker) 07511 273256


    Facebook : Mum and Me Angus

  • Arbroath Choral Society

    It is now well known that singing is very good for your physical and mental health. Our society offers you the chance to make new friends and learn and appreciate a wide variety of music – and perform that music in our two annual concerts. Why not come along for a free trial of several weeks to see if you would like what we do?

    Our Christmas Concert is at the start of December and has traditional Christmas music as well as popular songs. Our Spring concert, usually at the end of April and supported by an orchestra, is when we perform larger scale works as well as a variety of shorter classical works or film music or musical show numbers or opera etc.

    Our season starts around mid-August and we rehearse on Sunday evenings at 7.30pm in the St Andrew’s Centre halls (opposite the Abbey Visitor Centre). Come along any time and give it a free try!

    For more information, you can contact our musical director, Kirsten Hammond, on 07454 945 978.

  • Elaine's 60+ Exercise Class
    Approaching 60 or aged over 60?
    Come along and join in with our exercise to music classes. 
    Well known tunes that you can sing and move along to, from country, to pop, classical, Scottish, rock and roll etc.
    Simple but effective exercise and a friendly atmosphere.
    Every Monday from 2-2.45pm in St Andrew’s hall.
    Contract below for more information:
    Mobile: 07910 945237