Regular Activities
Children, Young People and Families
We have two toddler groups at West Kirk and St Vigeans Centres. Each child is accompanied by a parent, grandparent or childminder. We have a craft each week followed by a snack consisting of fruits, cheese and toast with tea/coffee and toast for the adults. The morning is finished off with song time which is always much enjoyed by the toddlers.
The cost is £2 per day and is reduced to £1 for each subsequent sibling. Our term times run in line with local school terms. We meet on a Wednesday at the West Kirk Centre from 9.15am-11am and on a Thursday at the St Vigeans Centre at the same times.
Sunday Groups
DJ (Discovering Jesus) Club at West Kirk Centre at 10am
Sunday Club at St Andrew’s Centre at 11.30am
Fun Club at St Vigeans Centre at 11.30am
A fun time for the children to come together to learn more about Jesus during Sunday worship in school terms.
Our youngsters meet in church and are included in the first part of the service before following their own programme related to our pattern of worship including crafts, stories, videos, etc.. They are also involved in family and special services regularly and enjoy tips to the pantomime, cinema and summer picnics.
Dear Theo
Dear Theo runs every Thursday evening throughout term time 4.15-5.15pm at St Andrew’s Centre.
This group is for young people P6+ who would like to dive deeper into who God is and what He means for our life. We have previously read through the book of Luke & Acts and have also completed Youth Alpha.
A snack is provided each week.
Girls Group
Girls Group runs every Tuesday evening throughout term time 7.30-9pm at St Andrew’s Centre.
This group is for girls who are in P6-early years of secondary school.We provide a range of activities such as games, hama beads, boardgames, crafts, baking, themed nights and visiting guests with special skills etc. We also provide a snack each week.
The cost is £1 per night – however please get in touch if there is financial hardship as alternative arrangements can be made.
Youth Club
The cost is 50p plus tuck money. West Kirk Youth Club is open during term time to school age young people from Primary 3 to Secondary Year 1. The club is open on a Thursday evening. P3, P4 & P5 between 6.00pm and 7.00pm, P6, P7 and S1 between 7.15 and 8.30pm. We currently have around 60 young people between the two groups.
Activities include simple cooking / baking, arts & crafts, table tennis, pool, badminton, table football, giant Jenga and Connect 4. There is also a selection of board games. More athletic games and sports take place in a separate hall.
Naturally there is also a tuck shop with a variety of snacks and drinks.
Why not give it a try. Come along and have some fun. Take part or just take advantage of a safe space to hang out with friends.
Family Fridays
Family Fridays is a monthly event which takes place on the last Friday of the month during term time 5.30-7pm (doors open at 5.10pm) in the Old & Abbey halls.
Activities include crafts, bible stories, Lego, games and will finish with a hot meal.
Fun for all the family!
There is no cost for this event but donations are welcome if you are able.
Making Music
On alternate Sunday afternoons at the West Kirk Centre, open to everyone, is an opportunity to either learn from scratch or improve your skills on a musical instrument. We have some instruments in house – keyboards, ukuleles, drums etc but you can also bring your own.
The Guild
Our Guild meets in 4 of our worshipping centres on different days and at varied times to compliment one another and provide something for all ages. Each group arranges a variety of speakers on both serious and fun topics and hold fundraising events to support national Guild topics and projects and come together for joint events. They welcome men and women of all ages.
This group meets at 2pm on the first Wednesday of the month from September through to May in Friockheim Community Hub.
West Kirk
Meetings take place in the new hall at West Kirk fortnightly on a Monday afternoon at 2pm.
2024 2025 Oct. 7th and 21st Jan 13th and 27th Nov. 4th and 18th Feb 10th and 24th
Dec. 2nd and 16th Mar 10th and 24th Apr 7th and 21st St Andrew’s
2024 2025 September, 16th, 30th January 20th October, 14th, 28th February 3rd, 17th
November, 11th, 25th March 3rd, 17th, 31st December, 9th April 14th St Vigeans
Prayer Groups
“Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you” – Jeremiah 33.3
St Andrew’s Centre
St Andrew’s Centre have the following times and ways for folks to come together as a church to pray in fellowship:
Thursday: 7.00 – 8.00 pm On Thursday evening we use Zoom to pray for our church families and those known to us who are in need of prayer.Sunday morning: 11-11.25 am within our Session Room before the service. Open to all; drop in and drop out as you are able; no special ability needed; praying specifically for the service and the people coming.
Sunday evenings: 7.00 – 8.00 pm we come together via Zoom again with folks from other churches across the town. We pray for the churches in the town, their ministers and their families and church leaders as well as the church nationally and worldwide. It is also an opportunity to pray into world events which we see on the news.
West Kirk Centre
The Zoom Prayer Group meets on zoom on the last Thursday of each month with contact details available from church administrators. In addition, we have an updated prayer list which is forwarded to a group who pray at home.
Bible Study
St Vigeans Centre
Informal Bible Study over a cup of coffee.
Thursdays 10:00—11:00a.m.
The Session Room (within the blue door at the entrance to the hall carpark.)On Zoom
Wednesdays from 7.30-9pm
Zoom details are available from our church administrators. See contacts page for details. -
Quiet Space
The sanctuary of our West Kirk Centre is open between 5.00pm and 6.00pm each Thursday night throughout the year for anyone who would like a period of peace and quiet reflection. You are welcome to stay for the full hour or just five minutes. It may be just what you need to take a little time out of what might be a busy schedule to reflect on who and what is important.
Be Creative
St Vigeans Hall
If you enjoy or would like to learn knitting, patchwork, crocheting, cross stitch, then this is the place to be. Everyone is welcome.
We have been looking for new ideas for the group and have found out that Ninewells would like baby hats (second size) and baby blankets. The Care Homes are always needing twiddle muffs and there is also a need for teddies for tragedies. We have copies of all the patterns and hopefully you will find something to suit.
However, if you enjoy knitting, craft, crochet or would just like some company, please join us – you do not have to do any of these items. We are always happy to welcome new members and new ideas. Bring whatever you are working on, or just bring yourself and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and a blether.
Knit & Knatter
West Kirk Centre
Knit and Knatter meet fortnightly on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm. It’s not just for knitting and crocheting, it’s for anyone who likes to do their own crafts and enjoy a cuppa and chat ~ cost is £2 per meeting which includes tea/coffee and biscuits. The first meeting after the Summer break is 20th August.
Wednesday Coffee O’Clock
Every Wednesday morning in St Andrew’s Centre we welcome friends and visitors to share a time of fellowship. Tea/Coffee and cake are served from 10am. A Service of worship takes place at 10.30am for approx. 30 mins to which all are welcome. This is an ideal opportunity for those who are unable to worship on Sunday morning. All are welcome.
Coffee Stop
Running at the West Kirk Centre every Friday with an endless supply of coffee and tea, it’s a chance to meet old friends and new, look back on the past week and forward to what is to come.
Wednesday Friendship Club
West Kirk Centre
For the most part the group enjoy playing board games with occasional talks and musical afternoons. Both at Christmas and before the summer break members go for a meal together. New members are always very welcome.
Our Wednesday Cafe
We started our Wednesday Cafe in October 2016 as a place for folk with dementia to come along with their family/friend/carer to enjoy the company and support of others.
We meet the first Wednesday of the month, from 2 p.m. until 3.30 St Andrew’s church hall. During the afternoon, we offer tea, coffee and home baking. Optional activities include putting, crafting and Bingo and occasionally we have guests come to entertain us.
Be assured of a warm welcome from our team of friendly volunteers.
Country Dancing
Between October and April come along to the West Kirk Centre on Wednesday evenings from 7.30pm to enjoy an evening of Scottish Country Dancing. We are a group of mixed ages and abilities and you’ll be welcome if you’re a complete novice or a seasoned dancer.
Wellbeing Choir - Cóisir Sunnd
It’s been proven that singing is good for your mental health, producing good endorphins, and singing together with other people even better!
The Wellbeing Choir is has been running for a number of years now, having initially been part of the Wellbeing Project set up by St Andrew’s Church. It is open to anyone over 18yrs old within the community.
We start each choir night with some mindfulness and go on to breathing and vocal exercises before learning a popular song with simple harmonies. We are not a performing choir but we have lots of fun and satisfaction in the sound we produce! We meet on a Tuesday evening (not in school holidays) in Community Spirit, Fisheracre at 7:30pm. No need to read music as long as you enjoy singing! Please contact the church office if you have any questions.
Fun, Food and Friendship
For the last 2 years we have been running, as a joint activity with volunteers from other churches and the wider town community, a 2-course evening meal at tea-time in the town and a soup and a sandwich lunch in Friockheim. It costs nothing other than a donation, if affordable, and runs in the winter between 2 and 5 nights a week in the town and on a Saturday lunchtime in Friockheim and in the summer one night per week (in Old & Abbey Halls, 4.30-7pm) and on the first Saturday of the month in Friockheim (in the church hall, 11.30am-2pm).
Come along not just for something to eat but conversation, companionship and friendship too.
Havilah & Inspire at Community Spirit
Established first in 2006 Havilah runs 4 days per week from 11am-2pm with the sole purpose of serving men and women to support them to break free from addiction. Over a lunchtime meal there is access to support with addictions and associated issues of benefits, housing etc. The initiative employs 2 memebers of staff and is supported by many volunteers.
Inspire is a new group – just for women to provide peer-led and professional support, to give encouragement, build confidence and provide access to other services.